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A Method, A Mission, A Movement:

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Restoring Wholeness

The A.R.T. Team is a team of dedicated and understanding professionals worldwide with a SHARED VISION:


- Every Survivor deserves world-class tattooing

- Every Artist deserves world-class training & products

- A.R.T. Is here to bring them all together!


A.R.T. has brought the world the most innovation and growth, hands-down!​

We've created EVERYTHING a tattoo professional needs to achieve great results and provide excellent client care!

Education & Training

Based in Body Art Fundamentals, our programs focus on Artistic Ability, Technical Development and Emotional Intelligence regarding trauma awareness - as our founder has lost her breasts and received botched nipple tattoos as well.  Emotional healing and mental health knowledge inspires excellence and underlies all of our offerings.

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3 Ways to Learn:


Online & Virtual Training

We have many hyper-focused online courses to help tattooists deepen their understanding and commitment to growth in Artistic, Technical, and Trauma-Informed areas of Healing Tattoos


Classes & Shadow Days

Small classes or 1:1 days give impactful experiences so our 'understudies' feel confident and ready for any challenge.  Customized Advice for YOUR path to mastery.


Collaborative Mentorship

Working with a world-renowned subject matter expert will help a dedicated professional overcome limiting habits and patterns.  Build on your strength so YOU can move into the top 20% of experts.

Our Motivation:

The 'Good':

A well-done Nipple/Areola Restorative Tattoo can help our amazing clients connect to their body like never before, and help them feel like nothings ever been taken away.

The 'Bad':

Poor results can have the opposite affect on the clients emotional journey, reminding them daily of the pain and loss they've endured, and leaving them feeling 'less-than'.

The 'Ugly':

There are currently NO standards or regulations for restorative tattooing or training, and medical professionals who perform tattoos are not required to take ANY basic tattoo training at all!


This has created a low standard of practice - actually causing physical - and emotional harm to our beautiful and trusting clients.

The Solution!:

Working Together to raise standards is imperative to advance our skills in Technical, Artistic, and Mental Health understanding!


Stellar products like tattoo practice skins, needles, and pigments, help tattoo professionals achieve natural and long-lasting results!

Please Watch this Inspiring Mini-Doc on our Founder, Stacie-Rae, to understand the motivation that led to a global movement.

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© 2011 A.R.T. created by Stacie-Rae

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